The South African Honeybush Tea Association is not just an organisation, we are a focused and strategic advocate dedicated to the Honeybush industry. Our mission goes beyond business; we empower stakeholders, nurture sustainability, and safeguard both the environment and the rich Khoi and San heritage that defines our precious honeybush legacy.
Established in 1999 to coordinate industry activities, initially known as the South African Honeybush Producers Association. On May 27, 2009, this association officially registered as a Section 21 Company, driven by the collective commitment of individuals elected from our esteemed membership.
What we do
SAHTA is a dynamic and multifaceted organisation dedicated to advancing the Honeybush Industry and ensuring its sustainability. Our key activities include:
- Strategic representing the industry for growth.
- Advocating inclusively and resiliently for the industry.
- Empowering businesses for success.
- Championing environmental conservation.
- Preserving the cultural Khoi and San heritage.
- Uniting stakeholders around shared values.

Promoting Sustainable Cultivation
SAHTA actively promotes the cultivation of Honeybush Tea, recognising it as the future of the industry, and ensuring a steady supply of raw materials for processors while addressing the saturation of wild harvesting.

Global Engagement
SAHTA engages on the international stage through initiatives like the South African Economic Partnership Programme, focusing on Geographical Indications (GI). We continuously expand our reach by identifying new countries to include in our initiatives.

Setting Export Standards
We establish and regularly update export standards, maintaining the quality and reputation of South African Honeybush Tea on the global market.

Digital Presence Maintenance
SAHTA ensures the industry’s online presence by upholding and managing the official industry website.

Negotiations for Industry Improvement
SAHTA conducts ongoing negotiations with various stakeholders. This includes fine-tuning statistics with the PPECB (Perishable Products Export Control Board) and addressing new conditions and restrictions proposed by the same authority.

Collaboration with Industry Partners
SAHTA collaborates with entities like the HBCoP (Honeybush Biodiversity Conservation Partnership), Hortgro, Wesgro, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), and others to initiate and support projects in the Honeybush Industry.

Application Evaluation
SAHTA evaluates numerous applications from individuals with new initiatives related to Honeybush, providing essential input on feasibility.

Engagement with DEFF
Negotiations with the Department of Environment, Forestry, and Fisheries (DEFF) concerning Traditional Knowledge (TK) requirements and other relevant regulations.

Information Hub
SAHTA serves as a daily source of information, fielding inquiries from potential industry entrants, individuals seeking specific information, writers, and more, ensuring that everyone has access to valuable insights and resources in the world of Honeybush Tea.
Vision & Mission
SAHTA envisions and thriving and sustainable Honeybush Tea industry in South Africa, where the cultivation, production, and consumption of this natural treasure contribute to the well-being of individuals and the preservation of our environment.
Our mission is to champion the interests of the honeybush industry by promoting growth, sustainability, and inclusivity by engaging in vital negotiations and activities that benefit our members, our environment, and our nation.
Board of Directors
Johan A. Kritzinger
Gillian K. McGregor
Jill Mouat
Matthew J. Sephton
Mirl T. Cunningham
Yolande C. Le Roux
J.R. Joseph
Johan Terblanche
Lize van der Merwe
Werner Thomas
Raoul E. Du Toit
Honourable Members

Dr Hannes de Lange

Dr Cecilia Bester