One of their most recent projects has been to develop the Wild Honeybush Augmentation Framework. This initiative is a collaborative effort with local farmers and harvesters aimed at enhancing and preserving the wild honeybush populations, which are crucial to our ecosystem and heritage.

What is the Wild Honeybush Augmentation Framework?

It’s a practical guide developed to bolster wild honeybush populations and rehabilitate areas where they have declined. The goal is to combine sustainable harvesting practices with effective veld management techniques to restore the fynbos ecosystems.

Why is this important?

  • Fynbos Veld Rehabilitation: Focused efforts to regenerate areas where wild honeybush has declined.
  • Sustainable Land Management Practices: Ensuring that farmers and harvesters support long-term rehabilitation and health of the veld where honeybush grows.
  • Biodiversity: The fynbos ecosystems are unique to our region and vital for biodiversity.

This work is essential not just for preserving our natural and cultural heritage but also for maintaining the quality and sustainability of honeybush production for the industry. We believe in working together to create a sustainable future and invite you to join our efforts.

Visit to read more about the Wild Honeybush Augmentation Framework and discover how you can contribute to this vital cause.

Let’s work together to make a difference!